The gown is 'one-size-fits all', reducing ordering and supply complexity, is made from locally sourced (Atlantic Canada) anti-microbial fabric. Each gown has a service life of up 75 washes, driving down the cost of ownership and drastically reducing waste while improving clinician safety.
The Halifax gown can be put on without assistance in an average of 30 seconds reducing the ‘Donning’ time by up to 80%. It is pulled over the head, tied at the back, side or front, keeping the front of gown close to the body without causing discomfort. The ‘apron’ design keeps the gown close to the body for full coverage, without restricting range of motion.
The 'Halifax’ gown ensures clinicians and hospital staff spend less time getting dressed, and more time caring for patients. The gown can also be 'Doffed’ quickly and efficiently, while maintaining clinical Infection Prevention protocols. In Doffing tests, doffing time was reduced by 30%.